Eilert Asmervik | Anaïs Horn

How do you feel about “Lou”?

How do you feel about “Louˮis an interdisciplinary collaboration between Anaïs Horn and Eilert Asmervik, consisting of a body of work initiated during the experience of an unexpected pregnancy, provoked by ideas of faith, desire and destiny.

Assembling photographs, paintings, videos, drawings, sculptures and personal objects, extending from their first meeting in October 2019 into the beginning of the new decade, encompassing the miscarriage, the surgery that followed, as well as the development of their relationship to each other, the installation – in contrast to a didactic monologue – relates openness and intimacy with vagueness and ambivalence.

The intention of the artists’ open approach to a scenario in which the trustworthy Western tool of rational thought and cognitive decision-making have repeatedly failed, is for the viewers to resonate freely and create their own ideas, interpretations and meanings around the installation and to subjectively weave loose threads.

The exhibition is accompanied by an artist’s book interweaving material from the period in question with contributions by Delphine Bedel, Adrian Buschmann, Anna Gien, Irmi Horn, Joakim Mathisen, Katharina Manojlovic, Laura Schawelka, Andy Schumacher, Daniela Trost and Verena Walzl. How do you feel about “Lou”? is published by Meta/Books, Amsterdam.